About Us
Our Vision – To be the most professional specialist passive fire protection consultants in the UK.
Our Mission – To protect the integrity of Britain’s buildings and safeguard those who live and work within them.

Adaston was formed in 2016 to become the leading passive fire protection business in the UK.
It was identified that decision-makers found it difficult to understand why the passive fire protection within their building was non-compliant.
Adaston have focused on this sector from a professional services perspective. The requirements of the end-user are pivotal to how our reports and approach have been designed; with an understanding that Board Directors and building owners who do not have expertise in this area need to have an understanding of any issues identified, the priority, and the solutions required.
Our aim is to provide clear conclusions in a concise and understandable executive summary. Findings are linked to the relevant laws and regulations with a full explanation of non-conformances. Our pragmatic approach helps the correct decisions on passive fire protection to be made.
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The ethos and values held by the team at Adaston mean that quality underpins all work performed.
Every aspect of the business strives for excellence and to work as a trusted partner with our clients.
In order to maintain quality of delivery and build on our already significant experience, we focus on retaining personnel while investing in regular training and development of skills. This ensures the quality of work is to the highest standard, even in the most challenging of environments.
To provide further assurance to our customers Adaston are accredited through third parties for all works and can provide professional indemnity insurance cover of up to £10m.
Our Services