Fire Boarding
Whenever a fire develops in a building, it’s imperative that the fire is contained at source of ignition and that load-bearing elements of the structure maintain their structural integrity for the required period of time for people to evacuate and rescue operations to be executed.
By keeping the fire and heat sealed behind fireproof boarding, the spread of fire is inhibited through the building and this should prevent the load-bearing structures reaching critical fail temperature. Fireproof boarding is designed to be resistant against the heat and radiation of fire. Due to their low heat conductivity and high heat absorption, fire boarding ensures that the temperature remains as low as possible over as long a time as possible.

What Can Fire Boarding be Used For?
Fire boarding can be used for many applications, including as fire barriers for the compartmentation of buildings, secondary linings for protection of a building’s load-bearing structures as well as encasement of ventilation and smoke extraction ducts.
Get in touch with Adaston for advice and support on your fire boarding requirements.
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